Lovelle Bacons have experienced Chartered Surveyors who are members of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and all of our professional and survey work is carried out by RICS Registered Valuers, including residential and commercial valuations surveys.

The company’s philosophy is to retain private ownership and thus maintain independence from financial institutions and other professional groups, in order to give totally unbiased advice, free of any possible conflict of interest.

Our professional services include:



Valuations are carried out for a wide range of purposes:

  • Sales or Purchase.
  • Litigation.
  • Strategic Planning.
  • Building Reinstatement.
  • Taxation including probate and matrimonial.
  • Company Mergers/Acquisitions.
  • Secured Lending.

      Lovelle Bacons can also offer expert advice on the following:

  • Charity Act Valuations.
  • Public Sector Valuations.
  • Compulsory Purchase Orders.

Site Inspection and appraisal

As Chartered Surveyors we offer assistance with all types of property and construction, including new build projects, alterations or potential acquisitions. Our range of services includes:

  • Defect investigation and advice.
  • Feasibility studies for maintenance, alterations and refurbishments.
  • Project monitoring.
  • Preparation and Negotiation of schedules of dilapidation and condition.
  • Buildings insurance reinstatement valuations.
  • Stage Inspections for New Build.

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